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On Real Love

On Real Love

Joshua Caleb Farley  |  July 11, 2024

I recently heard Bill Johnson state:

"'Most every believer confesses that God is Good. We have to, it's in the Bible. It's not the conviction of His goodness that threatens us. It's our definition of His goodness that has brought much debate, sometime conflict and turmoil into the family of God. If He is as good as some claim, it will require massive change in how we do life. Instead of creating doctrine that explain away our weakness and anemic faith, we actually have to find out why the "greater works than these" have not been happening in and around our lives. And much like the Pharisees, who saw Jesus as a threat to their positions of power and influence, so many leaders feel threatened over a shift in theological positions that imply we've not been as successful in ministry as we could have been. The fight to protect the sanctity of our history has kept us from a more significant future.'...

There are people, who will actually stay with the deception in their family line, to protect their memory of their family, instead of yielding to Christ to make a difference for following generations. They try to ease something and sometimes we believe things that just simply aren't true. And it can be as extreme as holding to something that is total, absolute deception, anti-scripture. But, people hold to it, because they are trying to protect the memory of their parents, or grandparents, or whatever it might be. And other people will do very similar things with the nature and the character of God. I just want to proclaim to you, I believe the Lord put this on my heart today, because He is releasing a grace to change things. He's releasing and enablement, a grace to change what we've seen to this point."

–Bill Johnson


Today, I saw a post from a friend on Facebook that spurred me to this writing, showing something in the midwest that has become all too common in New England. A subject, which I have been meaning to write on for some time now...

If people can love darkness, then we can’t say that love is the defining factor.  

In the Greek, there are multiple words for love, though "Agape" is the love of God.  It is the love that we are commanded toward one another.

Agape love is of a nature that it pulls someone from darkness. Yet, people also love sin. Therefore, the word “love” is not synonymous with the reality of agape, because while "love" can propel people toward darkness, agape would rescue them from it.

Homosexual love is eros, but not agape.  Agape is not eros, unless it is in a biblically accurate context (sic, not a homosexual relationship).  Agape puts God’s words at the center, then acts outwardly from there, because it's in the best interest of those around them.  To deny this in the homosexual context, is to deny God, because His Word is clear on this issue, and He IS agape love.

In other words...if something damns the soul, then one does not agapeo another by keeping them in it.

They might have agape right on every other subject, but if they miss something so clearly damnable, they make themselves like the one who says, “Lord, Lord….”

The wolf is known to be among the sheep.  They will look like sheep.  The tares will look like wheat.  The devil comes as an angel of light. These are the warnings, which Yeshua gave.

A simple (think hermeneutics) reading of the Word renders homosexuality a sin that prevents entrance to the Kingdom.

People can claim that homosexuals can be Christians, but them saying it doesn’t make it so.  ...and yes, I've seen their theology...SMH.

People are becoming increasingly onboard with this and it's doing further damage to the sanctity of the church, compromising our position of salt and light to rogue and godless world.

Only by complex deception, have people forsaken truth (2 Thess. 2:10), believing the message of a counterfeit love.  A supposed love that lulls the damned to sleep, like a siren in their darkness.

Will not the light bearers carry the light, that it may penetrate the darkness?


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Christ follower, teacher, theology enthusiast,  husband, & father of 3 amazing sons.